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Educational Equity
Do’s and Don’ts for Engaging on Educational Equity
The COVID-19 pandemic both exposed and exacerbated inequities in our schools, and along with 2020’s racial reckoning, it has created an overwhelming demand for tools and resources to build equitable learning environments and a will to change an education system that doesn’t work for every child. However, with progress comes backlash, and this spotlight on schools has caused a reactionary attack on equity in education.

As school has moved to a virtual setting, we’ve begun to see how school systems are adapting and evolving curriculum to fit new learning…
Turnaround For Children has released a comprehensive suite of tools to build a school crisis plan that supports school leaders and educators as remote…
In September, BELE Network Learning Partners, Camille Farrington of the UChicago Consortium on School Research and Dave Paunesku of PERTS, led a webinar explaining…
Research shows social-emotional learning has a demonstrable effect on school climate, student behavior and academic performance. It is a growing priority for educators who…
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As the BELE Network has grown and evolved over the past six years, our charge has remained the same: creating more equitable learning environments…
Kingmakers of OaklandEducational disparities between Black students and white students are glaring in our education system. “Black boys tend to be at the bottom of…
As schools kick-off the 2023–24 school year, the question remains — how can we design equitable schools and structures that create positive student experiences and prepare…
Creating a foundation of effective relationships with caregiversBy the BELE NetworkCASEL’s latest brief in the BELE Learning Series, Collaborating With Communities and Caregivers: Conditions for…
Dr. Gisele C. Shorter speaks with The 16:1 Podcast about the BELE Network and prioritizing student experience.Dr. Gisele C. Shorter, Director of National Education…
District-Level Learnings from the FieldBy the BELE NetworkIn order to create learning environments where all students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, school districts must design…
Insights From the Caregiver CommunityBy the BELE NetworkTo holistically educate young people, school leaders must engage caregivers as co-designers of their students’ learning environments. This…
An overview of the BSCA education fundsBy the BELE NetworkWith the school year well underway, educators have an opportunity to redefine what they mean by…